Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: v, ub No. 92-938 JUN 1993 3HE CLERX IN THE Suurens Cmirt rt1 the Statrr OGTOBEK TERM 1992 MAURICF RIVERS and RorerT C. DAVISON Peiitioners ROADWAY EXPRESS Inee. Resrondent On Writ pf Certiotari to the Inited States Court of \pyea for the Sixth Cireuit BRIEI FOR THE RESPONDENT 14070 CLERK THE OFFICE GLEND NAGER (Counsel l of Record) 1993 NOr LAURIE CALIER JONE TAY REA ViN & POGUE IVERED DELI HAnD 145(} G Street Washington. 1J,0 20005 -2088 (202) 879 686 JOIN LANDWEHR THOMAS EASTMAN SMITH 0ne SeaGate, 24th Floor P. .0. Box 10032 Toledo, Ohio 43699 03 {419} 241. -6000 AtLUHeNg for Respondent WIL SON EFEV PHINTINE Co. INC. WASHINOTON D.C Suprente Cotrt Statrn OCTOREK MAURICP Peitioners Resnondent Certiorari United Staten Appeals Cirevit GLEN NAGEI LHER JONES DELIVERED 1450 JOHN NDWEHR 0082 AtL ...